There are so many times where I’m inspired by something that my oldest son does, and he doesn’t know it. Several years ago (HEAR THAT NATHANIEL? SEVERAL!!!) he participated in a writing assignment based on the popular poem Where I’m From by George Ella Lyon. I loved the poem so much, AND his interpretation of it, and I’ve always wanted to do my own, so I’m trying my hand at it. Be nice. Or don’t. It’s your prerogative. This poem is also a chance for me to share a bunch of photos of myself without feeling weird.
For those of you who homeschool, this is a GREAT way to get your child to write about their lives and what makes them, them. It’s a wonderful exercise in taking in your surroundings, and sharing them proudly with the world.
I am from crocks of bacon grease on the back of the stove
I am from Blue Magic and Luster’s Pink Oil
I am from the greystone on the boulevard
Full of laughter, smothered chicken, rice and gravy
I am from the trail of pothos working it’s way toward the window sill
I am from packed churches and slammin’ hats
I am from Lula and Mary
I am from open worshippers and the quiet prayers
Hand wavers and aisle dancers
I am from the do your homework and set a good example
I am from the He leadeth me beside still waters and restoreth my soul
I am from Vacation Bible School verse memorization
I am from the bloodline of Walter and Travis
I am from motorcycles and harmonicas
I am from long nights of several jobs worked
To the long nights of just one job
I’m from summer vacations in Tennessee and Mississippi
Fish-frys and family reunions
I’m from greens and peach cobbler with the thick crusts
I’m from house dresses over full slips
Work boots and coveralls
I’m from hard workers and deep lovers
I am from pouring through old photo albums and yearbooks
Mementos of times long gone, but treasured
I am from a family tree whose roots run strong and deep
Creating shade in one moment and quiet comfort in the next
If you’re interested in the original inspiration of this poem, you can find it HERE, and maybe even give yourself a chance to write your own.
Loved this. I’m from where you from. Lol So many of your references refer to me. As a matter of fact I still have bacon grease on my stove. Albeit in a cute glass dish!
Yessss to the bacon grease in the glass dish!
I love your interpretation of the poem. It’s amazing that when we show/share our roots we find that we’re more connected than we know. I really enjoyed readings this, brought me back to my blue magic days! ☺️
yes!!! those slips and house dresses!! my mamiee did that! i love so much about this post! it’s so familiar to me. made me smile more than once and that’s a great reason to keep going! i’m gonna start working on mine. thanks for the inspiration!
We come from a lot of the same places! That blue magic always had your head glistening. Lol. Those slips that I used to hate as a kid! Loved this!
Having grown up in Guatemala as a missionary kid, I’ve never really felt that I belonged anywhere. I used to be an English teacher before I homeschooled my kids, and I can say that I love your poem! I’m glad you know where you’re from!
Blue magic will always be a childhood favorite! We also visited family quite a bit in Mississippi. Great post!
I love this. And yes from reading your poem, I feel I am from many places you are from. I am inspired to write my own.
This is beautiful. Would definitely be a great exercise for kids to do. My sister is always trying to understand what’s going on in her kids’ minds, I’m going to suggest she have her kids do something like this. Thank you for sharing!
I can identify with so many parts of your poem. I love your version.
I LOVE this poem and I can relate on so many levels! Especially Packed churches and slammin hats! I used to hate when I had assignments to write poems, its just not my thing but I would love to write one of these!
Love. It! You remind me of several parts of my life. Sounds like the South and brings back memories of my dad. I may want to do this one day.
So many parts of your comeupness mirror mine.
May have to try this sometime! It fits you so well!
Love this piece! Your poem had me feeling a little nostalgic because “where I’m from” is similar!
Beautiful poem! I’ve been feeling the draw to get back into poetry myself lately so this is another sign that the universe is pointing me in that direction!
I love this Where I am From Poem. I would love to do my own and bring up my own nostalgia.
ALL OF THIS! I love your interpretation. Yes to Luster Curl. I would love to see more of these poems from you.
Oh I love your interpretation/take on the poem. Let me also say your pictures are fab and I love your collection of hats and head wraps!
I love the headwrap.
I remember telling you that i loved this post, but I never commented on here to say I did! And I always envy your headwrap game. I have none and need instructions lol
I absolutely love your interpretation of the poem. So touching.