Math. Homeschool. So many things go through my head and the head of my three little ones when it’s time for math in our home. We’ve tried several math curricula and we’ve had great results with it, but ALWAYS math was one of those subjects that the kids just didn’t want to do willingly. So I figured, introducing Teaching Textbooks 4.0 for this school year wouldn’t be that big of a deal, and it turns out I was right. I do believe the combination of their age and the format works great for us this year.
This post is a collaboration between Houseful of Nicholes and Teaching Textbooks. I’m being paid for my honest review, whether it works for us or not. Of course, all opinions are my own.

Once upon a time, we were always on the road, and as much as I want to have wifi in my car (looking at you Mr. Nicholes) we don’t have that capability just yet. Teaching Textbooks circumvents the need for wifi since it’s an app that is downloadable on your laptops and mobile devices. Getting those quick math lessons in isn’t determined by your wifi connection, and that is crucial when time is limited, but learning needs to be done.

Teaching Textbooks 4.0
As you can see from above, you don’t have to do any of the grading, prep, hint work, or support for math lessons unless YOU want to. You can set the pace for your child so if you have a student who likes to blaze through lessons until they are completely done with the curriculum, they won’t be able to.
I’ve heard people sing the praises of Teaching Textbooks for several years of my homeschooling journey, but I wasn’t too keen on having to purchase more workbooks for the house. We don’t do well with notebooks. It feels too much like busywork for the kids, and my husband and I hate grading them. Now with the lessons being downloadable and available as long as your device is powered up, I don’t have to worry about the excess paper in the house, or car, or backpack. Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is an app, so it is not web-based. Yet, it works on all types of devices including desktops, laptops, phones, and tablets.
One thing that I have never heard my children do with an online-based curriculum was talking back to it. Our youngest child is ALWAYS talking back to the teacher in Teaching Textbooks, and sometimes it’s because he doesn’t understand the problem. I’ve observed how he handles that, and the fact that there is an immediate option for the problem to be worked through WITH my child IN the lesson is great for me, and them of course. It’s comprehensive, and while we know we wouldn’t always be able to get that in a traditional school setting, it’s fantastic to see that they can learn on their own terms and at their own pace.

In listening in on lessons, I realize that the particular concept for each lesson is repeated over and over again. They present the same information in different ways to make sure that your students COMPLETELY understand what is being taught, and not just one example.

Teaching Textbooks begins with Math 3 and ends with Pre-Calculus, allowing all of your math knowledgeable children to work within their abilities.
Pros of Teaching Textbooks
- no grading for parents
- automated grade reports
- attached lectures for EVERY lesson with breakdowns easily understood by students
- pace-setting by parents
- no wifi needed after initial downloads
- family homeschool purchases available
- built-in scratchpad for figuring out problems IN the app
- interactive teaching, with repetition when necessary
As a family new to Teaching Textbooks, I know that I’m confident in suggesting it as a math curriculum for families. Yes, I know that there are other math curricula out there. I’ve reviewed quite a few of them, but the beauty of homeschooling is knowing that all children do not learn the same, and sometimes the curriculum you find out about right before school starts may be just what you need for the school year.
You can try Teaching Textbooks out for a free trial if you’re still not sure it is a good fit for you.

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