This is part of a sponsored collaboration with HBO and DiMe Media. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Nothing beats that first day of Spring warmth. You know what I’m talking about. Those days where it’s warm enough to don just a light jacket, and sit outside and just enjoy nature. My children, all of them, including the teen, have always been a little closer to nature than I expected them to. They’ll forego their tablets in a heartbeat to go outside and play – even when the yard is covered in snow. However, Spring begs them to go and make mud pies and pretend they are world famous chefs under the wire for an important client. Other days find them as paleontologists, digging through the still bare garden looking for fossils and new dinosaur species to name.
Being blessed enough with a couple of warm days before being hit with sickness over this way, we were able to go outside to our backyard (still one of the greatest things to come from building with Habitat for Humanity) and paint some scenes from a couple of our spring themed books. We love walking to our neighborhood library to pick up books and bring them back home to dive into them. Each of the littles picked the book that they loved the most, and chose a scene from it to replicate on canvas.
The girls went all in and stayed true to form. Sir Twizzler went full impressionist mode and just painted what Spring “felt” like to him. You’ll see what I mean soon.
We also took the time out to plant our seedlings for planting in May. So far, we have started sweet corn, sugar snap peas, sweet peppers, and a plethora of other veggies. I LOVE the start of spring for this very reason. New beginnings, and the chance to get away from being cooped up inside for so long. Nature doesn’t always have to happen outside, you can start seeing examples of it long before you step foot out of your home.
We also have a membership to our city’s Nature Museum, and we love going there when it’s too rainy, or chilly, or heaven forbid too hot to experience nature in all forms. Our favorite area is the butterfly garden.
On those days where nature doesn’t completely cooperate, especially on Saturday mornings when Mr. Houseful and Nathaniel are at home to help out, we can watch brand new episodes of Sesame Street on HBO. I have fond memories of spending time with Mor Mor and Poppy when I was younger watching this show, and I’m glad that I still have a chance to view and enjoy it with my little ones. Teaming up with HBO to show new episodes on Saturday mornings is a wonderful way to grab those families who may not have time during the week to catch it. I’m sure these new shows will inspire families to get outside and get into nature more often! Each episode airs 9am/8am CST
Would you love for HBO and Sesame Street to help you get a headstart on getting outside and becoming a little more acquainted with nature? You can enter below to win a Sesame Street Spring Planter and Herb Kit! Please allow 4-6 weeks for prize fulfillment. Enter on the rafflecopter below.
What’s your favorite way to get out and enjoy spring? Let me know in the comments below!
Now that the days are longer and the weather is warmer, we love spending time outside walking the neighborhood and playing with our neighbors in our cul de sac.