On Friday, Chicago got a little over 1 inch of snow. Underwhelming, right? Except this is the latest in any winter in recorded weather history, that we’ve gotten snow. I definitely know our houseful didn’t stop function, but from news reports later in the day, it seems some Chicagoans forgot what snow looked like, and felt like to drive in. Travel times were HORRIFIC! Mr. Housefuls commute ended up taking a total of five hours round-trip. Yuck.
We did do things a bit differently yesterday. Once again, we’re going through the alphabet with the ladybug. This time, we’re having much more success. MUCH. MORE. She’s retaining both the capital and the lowercase letters, and sounds much better than when we attempted this last year. I’m sure it’s all on the teacher, but I’m glad that we’ve learned, and moved on. We did decide to go outside for a bit of recess, and also, so I could shovel our walk and stairs since all the snow fell after Mr. Houseful and the cellist left for the day.
There are few things that I noticed. Lil’ Miss Twizzler hates snow pants – when they’re on inside the house. Outside, they’re the best things ever. Inside, they are molten lava that need to be removed or she will yodel and cry all mushed together, and it isn’t pleasing to the ears.
Mr. Twizzler loves throwing snow. And testing the boundaries with the end of the sidewalk and the beginning of the street. And running. And falling.
The ladybug loves throwing snow as well. Only she loves throwing it in the faces of her younger siblings. We had to have a talk about that.
Of course I didn’t forget my camera. Priorities, right?
We did have a moment to observe a solemn ceremony by way of a funeral. I had lots of questions from the ladybug. She is a bit more interested in the death process than I anticipated at four. I answered all questions as honestly as possible without being overly morbid. The attendees of the funeral did have a bit of a smile on their faces as they came out of the church (yep, one smack dab across the street from our house – that’s city living for you,) and commented on how great the innocence of a child is. I’d have to agree.
There you have it. It may be cold out, but bundle up, and go play in the snow.
Why is Sir Twizzler always looking through my SOUL with those eyes of his? Why!? LOL! That five hr commute sounds like something that would happen here in Virginia, eek!