This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Sam’s Club. All opinions are mine alone.
I remember the very first time I joined Sam’s Club. It was in my early twenties, and super excited that I was privy to all of the great wholesale options that they had. I also lived with my parents, and was a new parent to Nathaniel. The problem is, I didn’t appreciate it. I didn’t realize how much greatness lay in this wholesale club, and I let my membership falter. That is, until Mr. Houseful and I got married, and we knew that the amount of toilet tissue that our family went through alone, was worth the price of membership. Let’s just say that Sam’s Club is a staple in our family, because we go through LOTS of things. Mostly paper things, but LOTS of things nonetheless. Let us not forget the fact that Sam’s Club has the decency to offer carts wide enough for TWO kids to sit in. I bet a mom was behind that gem. If you want to check them out, make sure to hit your local Sam’s Club this weekend starting September 12th, for their Open House.
Being able to stop in a store and find everything that I need for the month is a time saver. There is nothing worse than having to store hop all day to get everything done. If you’ve ever been to Sam’s Club, you’ll know that they have clothes (amazing) furniture, books, supplies, frozen food, floral arrangements, and electronics. I could easily spend time in every single area, but I try to stay focused and move along like I’m supposed to, because they are helping me save time. AMIRIGHT?! Seriously, we should just buy all of the toilet tissue and paper towels and be happy. I have a full basement now. I can justify it. Before you go, know that Sam’s Club accepts Mastercard and Discover and also has a ton of instant savings going on throughout the store.
During the school year, it’s nice to be able to shop here for those last-minute lunchbox fixings that Nathaniel may need. Now that he is old enough to make his own lunch, I just make sure that we have the items that he needs – in as much bulk as we may or may not need, and I can sleep maybe 30 minutes longer. It’s no secret that sleep is a hot commodity around these parts. He can eat as little or as much as he wants, and I can rest easy knowing that my pockets aren’t being scraped because of his growing tendencies. Seriously. Why do they continue to grow during high school? It’s like feeding an army. JUST ONE KID! Speaking of taking lunch to school, bentos seem the way to go, but he’s too cool for those whimsical bentos that have hit the market. Enter Rubbermaid, which gave us an awesome multipack system, AND the storage for it. Mom scores cool points again.
If that’s not enough to entice you to get your rear to your nearest Sam’s Club, you should know that their open house is this weekend. This way, those of you who don’t have memberships can go ahead and check the club out, and see what you’ve been missing, and then run up to sign up. It’s that easy. Really it is. I’m still not sure why you’re reading this blog post. You should be signing up. I still see you sitting there waiting for some wise words from me. Okay, I’ll give it one more go.
On our last trip to Sam’s Club, I got the fixings for a loaded pasta salad. Basically, a salad that I make that includes every single aspect of each food group, yet can be made with just one pot and served without sides. Because they are all in there! I’m winning at this summer cooking thing and at LIFE! Yes, in that cart among all of the paper products and Capri Suns is indeed the makings of a Loaded Potato Salad.
2 boxes of tri-color pasta
One large head of broccoli
Cheese to cut chunks from
Rotisserie Chicken, or turkey cubes
Black Olives
Cherry/Sun Sugar/Sundried tomatoes (one of the three – or all three if you want)
A medium sized cucumber
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
S&P to taste
Cook pasta according to directions on box. After it has finished, rinse with cold water and drain.
Chop Rotisserie Chicken into cubes, or take the cubed deli meat and toss with the pasta.
Chop cucumber, tomatoes, and broccoli into bite sized pieces. Toss into pasta bowl
Measure 2 parts olive oil to 1 part balsamic vinegar, add salt and pepper, and mix well. Use a whisk to make sure that the oil becomes completely mixed with the vinegar. You can get creative here and add garlic, or any other spices and seasonings that you want.
Toss the salad with the dressing and serve immediately.
It’s definitely a timesaver to be able to shop for school supplies, office supplies, cleaning supplies, and groceries all under the same roof. The fact that the prices are affordable is just the dressing on the pasta! If you want to see more great reasons to #TrySamsClub check them out on their social channels as follows!
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I love shopping at Sam’s Club! They have the best fresh produce and meat. Oh, and that loaded pasta salad sounds delicious…Thanks for sharing! #client
I love a good pasta. This looks simple and good.