The last time I wore a watch regularly, I was in high school, and it was a wonderful Tigger faced watch with a cognac leather band that my mom purchased for me for my birthday. I loved that watch. I still have that watch, but it hasn’t worked in a bit, and furthermore, the band is ruined. Now that I’m grown up, I get to wear grown up watches that are made out of wood, and make me feel a bit more sophisticated, but not turning me into a snoot. The Jord Wood Watch in the Sidney style does just that. It’s gorgeous and out of the box, and perfectly Natasha. It also compliments my perfectly formed farmer’s tan that I’m sporting these days.
I’ve been attempting to write this review for some time, but it’s hard to get photos of the watch ON, so here we are. Do you know how weird people look at you when you ask them to take photos of you wearing a timepiece in normal poses? Yeah, I got that from Mr. Houseful. A lot. Anyway, I’ve had this watch for a little over two months, and while I don’t wear it daily because of all of the chicken poop and dirt that I wade through, I do like it a lot. My wearable pedometer has a time keeper on it, but it just doesn’t look as great dressed up as this watch does. Also, it keeps down on the jewelry that I have to wear. I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but a fashionista I’m not. My mom had to beg me to wear earrings on my wedding day. I’ll wear accessories every now and again if I’m feeling snazzy, but usually I’m okay with going bare – yes even my wedding ring.
I do need to get an extra link taken out of the watch because I gave the wrong size when ordering. Yes, they do give you a printable ruler to measure your wrist so that you can purchase the correct size. What you see on me is the Sidney style in Red Sandalwood and Mother of Pearl. I can clean and keep it conditioned with lemon or orange oil extracts per the site.
I love the intricate simplicity of the watch. Essentially, it’s not so over the top that it doesn’t fit my personality, but it’s perfect for wearing to special events, and professional functions. It’s also a great conversation starter. My favorite aspect about the watch is the fact that it’s made from hand crafted wood from Mozambique. My watch comes in a little under $200, but I do think that it’s a great price to be made from the materials it is. It’s also a great gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays or holidays. The wood comes in different shades, and you can find a watch for either men or women, with a multitude of face shapes.
I am thinking of getting Mr. Houseful one, but he already has two watches, and well, I had none. Priorities here people.
If you’re looking for more information about Jord Watches, you can check out their website, Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter stream. You can also enter to win a $75 discount from Jord! Just click HERE and enter the information requested, and you’re all set! Contest closes on Thursday July 28 at midnight!
I was provided with this watch in exchange for review. All photos, thoughts and opinions are my own.
The watch is absolutely beautiful. The wood is a special and nice touch added to the timepiece.