Prom season is just around the corner and Macy’s wants to make sure that you and your teen are ready for it. This past weekend, I took another trip to Macy’s to view the Prom fashion show hosted by Mandi Line who is the current costume designer for Pretty Little Liars. I won’t lie, I’ve never seen an episode of Pretty Little Liars, but I do love dressing up, and let’s face it, I needed a break from sewing Easter outfits for the collective, so I headed out to Macy’s in Woodfield Mall to check out what they had to offer. Let’s just say, I now have a desire to buy a ball gown and go to a gala. Prom is heading back to being Hollywood Glam and I totally love it!
I will forever love a great stiletto. Forever. LOVE.
Now, I’m not totally sold on the short dresses, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t think the white babydoll dress was adorable. I love the length of the majority of the dresses, and that Mandi did something for all tastes, even if everyone didn’t like everything, there was something for them there. I also had to remember that she was doing a lot of styling based on the Pretty Little Liars television show.
After thinking that the prom fashion show was over, she hit us with AFTER PARTY clothing. Now, I come from a family that laughed when I asked to stay out later with Mr. Houseful during prom, so I’m pretty sure I will be doing the same, but she provided interesting options:
I think that I was all good until the short shorts came out. This just lets me know that I am indeed turning into a worrisome mother. 🙂 It also would look totally different on my 5’2″ frame, but I am far from 18 years of age, and far from the size six I was in high school.
I did humor myself and try on some dresses. Three of them I loved, and one I burst out laughing at myself because the size of my chest lets me know that I am indeed a full blown woman of sorts. Without further ado, here are those pictures:
This green dress caused a ruckus on my Facebook personal page, and the more I look at it, the more I laugh. There are pros and cons about being an adult lately, and one of the pros is knowing when something just doesn’t work well with me. This is one of those things. I feel the dress is a great style, but I need to have some MAJOR foundations up top in order to pull it off. The issue is the big keyhole cutout that prevents one from wearing a full coverage bra. Oh well. A girl can dream.
And just for good measure, a photo from the actual Senior Prom that Mr. Houseful and I attended together in ’98
How adorable were WE?!
How about your prom? Do you like what you wore? Do any of these dresses speak to you in a positive way? Respond below!
I am a member of the Everywhere Society. Everywhere provided me with compensation for attending the Macy’s Prom event however all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own.
You and your hubby are adorable. Great post!
He’s stayed consistently cute all these years. I sure do like being married to him! 🙂
didnt attend prom was in a cottillion
I never heard of a cotillion until I came to GHT. Now I kind of wish that they were still around so the collective could participate in one.