I’m going to admit it right now. I have a small problem. I’m addicted to collecting and counting Box Tops. You know, those little rectangles on the tops of foods from General Mills and the like? They’re worth 10 cents each, and since I’m the coordinator at the cellists’ school, I’m fueled by seeing these things come in. If you don’t know how they look, take a look at that Box Tops for Education logo up above, and there you have it.
I’ve been on a mission to increase our collection significantly this year and we’ve done it. We went from collect just over $100 last school year, to already being close enough to collect over $500. I’m amazed at how much the children bring in, and how excited they are about it. We still have a long way to go, but this year shows lots of promise.
To help boost our earnings for next year, I’m prepared to attend our local and National Box Tops University and earn some prizes to give out to the students.
While sometimes I may get a bit frustrated at the lack of participation on the part of the school as a whole, I must say that some star students have really been blowing my socks off. Especially the young man who is single-handedly responsible for bringing in more than $250 worth of Box Tops alone.
I’m anxiously awaiting going to the local BTU so I can try and win an all expense paid trip to National BTU. YES! I’m that excited about it! By the way, if you want to help the cellist’s school out by sending in some Box Tops, we would greatly appreciate it. I’ll even give you a shout out! Keep your fingers crossed for that special trip for me. We need it!
You can read more about Box Tops for Education HERE
~Make It A Fantastic Day
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