Hey all! I’m back with some garden goodies for you! I was sent the Seeding Square for the Community Garden, and I LOVE IT! I did tell Shomari last year that I wanted something that would make it easier to plant in the garden without having to eye it. Even though eyeing it didn’t do so badly last year, it’s just nice to have something in our toolbox to make sure that we’re doing things properly, and in order. It’s also great to have for those folks who may come and help us plant that don’t really have the ability to eye it. Do you know what I mean?
The Seeding Square is a seed spacer for planting your vegetable or flower garden. It’s a perfect grid for allowing a home gardener to grow the maximum amount of food or flowers in their limited amount of space without having to sacrifice anything. It’s a great way to triple your food crop without having to build out or up.

This Seeding Square square foot gardening template is great for kids too! We’ve shared on We Sow We Grow while the kids used it to sow directly into the soil. Make sure to check it out!
The seeding square is color-coded for simple planting with spaces optimized for each plant type. A handy dandy planting chart is included in each order. The square leaves a permiter impression in the soil so you can see exactly where your next square foot placement belongs. It’s easy to store and clean.

How to use the Seeding Square
Press the square template into the soil that you are planting in.

Poke a hole through the spacing template (stick to one color) into the soil

Plant the seeds in the correlating spaces and water as needed

I explain how the handy chart in the seeding square helps guide you as to what seeds you need to plant in what formation. It’s a great sturdy tool, and I think that our community garden will be purchasing several more to have on hand so that people can use them, without having to wait for a turn. It’s such a great way to simplify something that so many people may not find as simple as it can be. It’s scary planting so many plants so close together. I remember when I saw that corn could be planted four in one square foot, I hemmed and hawed for a good week or two before just biting the bullet. Now, no one needs to wait as long as I did!
Here’s a closeup of the wand with clear inch markings, and the planting spoon that allows careful deposits of those small vegetable seeds. It is also magnetized to the seeding square so you don’t have to worry about misplacing it when you put it away after planting.
The wand is perfectly sized for the funnel, which allows all of the seeds to actually be deposited into the holes that you depress into the soil. It clicks to the back of the seeding square for great storage as well. Everything stores together, so you don’t have to worry about losing any of the pieces.
Cleanup is easy as well. Just a simple rinse with water (do this over the space you just planted in to conserve water) will do the trick!
I’m so excited to expand and grow beyond our greatest imaginations! I’m also grateful for the group of gardeners of all levels, who hang out with me weekly and make sure that we’re all sowing and growing, together.
Benefits of the Seeding Square
– Simplifies the planting process
– Save money on food bills
– Can double or triple the harvest
– Optimizes & organizes garden space
– Weeds are fewer & easier to identify
– Gives depth accuracy for seed holes
– Plants grow in beautiful uniform grids
– Planting is done quickly
– Great for teaching kids & new gardeners
– Spoon & funnel great for kids & seniors
Happy growing, and see you next week!
This looks like a useful tool. I am hopeless at gardening but l’m game to try it :-).
Gardening isn’t my thing but my 5-year-old is a beast at it. Last year she grew green peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries. Right now she, ha some marigolds taking over my window. This weekend she is planting five things. I can’t wait to watch them grow. She is a natural.
I love backyard gardening. This will be my second year of not getting out there because of the time commitment.
My sister loves gardening. I will have to share this with her.
I would really love to do some gardening on my patio but I’m not sure what I can grow. I think I need to start with just keeping my plants alive before I try to grow food lol
I keep saying I want to start a little garden. I’ll have to keep this tool in mind. It looks really handy.
My parents loved gardening. We grew practically everything. I’m one of those that will have to start with something that I don’t have to keep an eye on.
Funny, I was JUST telling my best friend that I want to plant some things in my garden this spring. I love the look of gardens but I have no green thumb.
Your advice is the truth. We will be planting this weekend in our raised flower bed. I have to clear out the weeds first but I will get this square tool to see how it helps us.
That is SO cool! Finally got a chance to watch your video. Super informative. My beds are definitely too far apart. I haven’t had success with corn, but I think it’s because I didn’t have them growing close enough. I have got to get this for next year. It’s been an abysmal spring for my veggies so far.
Thanks for your sharing ! Guess my little sister will love it