I will go on record as saying that when you can sew, or craft, or even use a glue gun effectively, most people assume that you are going to have a homemade holiday. In the case of the day that just passed, lots of people assumed that our family was going to have a homemade Halloween. At first, I was against the idea, because…work. Then my bestest friend in the whole wide world pointed me to pbskids.org which had a way to do a no-sew Super Why costume (which Sir Twizzler LOVES) and I knew that my mind had been changed.

This is what we came up with (minus the book long on his chest, because I ran out of mojo and a thing called colored ink.) and I knew it was a winner when he recognized the thing right off the bat. As a side note, do you know how hard it is to find green pants for BOYS?! Sweet baby Jesus in a manger!
I’m not sure about other mothers, but I realize that a lot of my happiness is tied into how my kids view me. It’s probably a huge mistake to make, but whatevs. I’ll admit it now, and then try to rectify it later if need be.
If any of you are interested in this costume for general costume play around the house, the video tutorial can viewed below. I had a ton of fun making it, and it only took a little over 30 minutes. We altered our fabric needs by quite a bit because Sir Twizzler is so little. I got 3/4 yd of Blue Felt (and they all came from JoAnn Fabrics because…um, JOANN!) 1/4 yd each of yellow and green felt, and the green pants and shirt came from Target. The shirt is actually backwards because it has a ninja on the front, and I wasn’t printing out the Super Why emblem at this time.
For Lil Miss Twizzler, we decided to continue the Super Why theme, and make her a Princess Presto costume. There is NO tutorial for a no-sew Princess Presto costume out there, so I’m going to end up doing one since I have to fix some mistakes that I made on this one. Mainly, the bodice is too short and didn’t come down far enough for me. This one was done with fleece, felt, hot glue, and sewing of elastic to the circle skirt. That’s the only sewing I did. Once I do the tutorial for this, I’ll post a full-frontal photo. For reference though, I used one yard of pink blizzard fleece fabric from JoAnn’s, green felt from the 1/4 yd purchased for the Super Why costume, and purple felt that I already had on hand. She has on a shirt and leggings that were already here.
Like so many other cities in the midwest, it was rainy in Chicago for Halloween. It was WARM though – almost 70 degrees, so, pleasant despite the wet weather. So, it’s not surprising at all that when they stepped outside on our quest for trick or treating, this is the face that they all had
This entire photo is filled with so much hilariousness – even if it’s not done purposely – that I think that I may print it out and scrapbook it. Don’t fear though, they ROCKED the costumes at two library visits and on the street. The ladybug wanted to be a fairy, that somehow morphed into a tooth fairy, without a wand, or a bag for teeth. Do tooth fairies carry bags? I may need to research that. The ladybug is wearing all hot pink (her favorite color, can you tell?) and the only thing that we had to purchase was the wings (from JoAnns at 60% off, PLUS an extra 20% for teachers – and homeschooling teachers count!) and the tutu – which was a HUGE investment for me, but I figured it’s not just for Halloween, and she’s been dying to have one, and I do NOT feel like sewing a tutu for anyone at the moment.
So, did any of you all do a homemade Halloween? What did you make? If you blogged about it, remember to link to it, so I can come and visit you!
We also carved pumpkins for the FIRST TIME EVER! You can see who we carved in my Halloween post HERE
Love the costumes and the expressions. We did a semi homemade Halloween. The little girl asked to be a butterfly so we purchased $4 wings from Walmart. Then she wanted to be a princess fairy butterfly so I did a no-sew tulle tutu, made a wand from an old drum mallet, tulle, & ribbons & grabbed some pipe cleaners, ribbons, tulle & flowers for her fairy princess bitterly crown. smh
Sounds like an awesome costume, and I should know, because I’ve seen it. Now we need to put in orders for drum mallet wands. 🙂
Did you ever do a tutorial for the princess presto costume?