It was bound to happen. This little one, this lover of all animals, is going away to sleep-away camp. She talked her way into Nature’s Farm Camp during our visit of the Good Food Festival back in March of this year. She attended with me, and asked me for some of my business cards to pass around to vendors. With our work with We Sow, We Grow, she’s been an intricate part of taking care of the chickens and letting community members know what they could and couldn’t do with them. She’s also let us know her stance on what happens to the chickens after they are finished laying eggs. She’s not shy about her opinions.
Anyway, the ladybug put on her best marketing hat and sealed the deal for us to let her go away to camp in exchange for talking about it on the blog. Where she gets this wonderful amount of confidence, I do not know, but I’m game. I’m looking forward to seeing everything that she learns, and having her interact more with children she may have never met in general. I already know that she has an extremely large heart, and will do well.
Nature’s Farm Camp exists because childhood today isn’t always what it should be. Kids’ days are too often filled with screens and abstractions, being rewarded for following directions, and filling their bodies with things that can barely be defined as food.
We offer outdoor immersion and activities to develop communication, collaboration and life skills. Campers are encouraged to make choices and learn consequences and connections.
Each week, the campers run the farm and discover how competent they are. The kids work, grow, harvest, cook, explore, create and play – all led by guides who are experts in safety and fun.
Week #2: July 17 – July 21. Kids ages 8-11
Week #3: July 24 – July 28. Kids ages 8-11
Week #4: July 31 – Aug 4. Kids ages 12-15
Week #5: Aug 7 – Aug 11. Kids ages 8-11Each session is limited to 20 campers. Siblings get a discount too! Just use code SIBDISCOUNT for 10% off on children after the first. There are also financial aid packages too! They want everyone to have a chance to go, so check it out today!

My kids don’t go to sleep away camp, but we have done a few day camps here in the Boston area before. This sounds like a wicked fun camp 🙂
Sleep away camp is such an experience. Looks like she had a ball
This sounds like a great camp. I wish it were closer to us. I’d so send my daughter–I know she’d love it. She adores animals.
Both of my girls grew up going away to camp for a week and they still talk about how much they loved it. Nature’s Farm Camp looks like such a fun, educational and memorable experience. It’s nice that they offer a sibling discount too.
Sleep away camp can really teach kids to be independent. It can also be a great bonding opportunities with their friends.
I would have loved to go to a sleep over camp with animals! Mine was a summer camp for girl scouts when I was little.
This sounds like it would be an amazing experience. I think everyone should experience farm life first hand.
This sounds like an amazing camp! I think kids these days have lost touch with the natural world. I love this.
It looks like she had a great time. A camp like that is so much fun for kids because they can interact with nature on a very personal level.
The camp look amazing and i would always have a pleasure attending this if we were closer, but yes, I could organize asking my parents to do so! The idea is great.
What a great experience. The camp looks like it’s a lot of fun. My kids need to separate themselves from their devices as well.
This sleepaway camp looks like so much fun. Looks like she had a blast, so much to do and learn. I would love for my daughter to do this one day.
Now this sounds like a camp i would have loved when I was a child, I hope all who go have an amazing time.
This sounds like an awesome camp! I never went to sleepaway camp as a child, beyond 6th grade camp, and it’s definitely something that I think every child should have the opportunity to experience.
This looks like a really amazing camp! I would have LOVED to do something like this as a kid – so much fun!
This camp looks like lots of fun. I think it’s so important for kids to get out of the city and experience nature.
She must really love animals to be so excited to want to go.
Wow, what a go-getter! It’s awesome that she’ll be going to this camp. It seems like it’s going to be a fun learning experience.
This sounds fantastic! I know that parents might be nervous when their children are away.
I remember when my Son went to his first sleep-away camp. I missed him so much but he had a ton of fun and made some great friends.
My girls went to their first sleep-away camp last summer. They talked about it for months after. They are so excited to go again this summer.
This sounds like a really cool camp. I am all about anything that lets kids get outside and be kids.
I have always wanted to go to a sleep away camp as a kid. This one is really cool because it involves animals and nature.
That is so awesome! It is great to see kids communing with nature. These are the types of camps that I love to see kids get involved with. It really helps them learn important skills.
Sounds like a great adventure. It’s so good when kids get to experience camp. I love seeing the growth our boys experienced when they had summer camp last few Years.
Sleepaway camp is such a great experience for kids. I love that they get the chance to be outside with nature.
This sounds like such a great experience for kids. It will be educational but they’ll be having so much fun they won’t even know it.
This sounds so much fun!! My kids love summer camps. They enjoy the friendship and all the acitivites.
It’s wonderful that she has so much confidence and initiative! I hope she has an amazing time at camp.
This looks like so much fun! I remember sleep away camp when I was younger. I admit though, I will be pretty nervous when my girls are old enough to do it. I don’t like them sleeping away from home.
Wow, this are a nice way to go on socials and meet new set of friends. Also good experience as a teenager. I wish I have that experience when I was a teen too.
Wow love it, this is what really memories are made of. 🙂
I can’t wait for my kids to grow a little older enough to attend camps like this one. It would be a great experience.
Camps like these teach kids to be resourceful, independent and develop their love of nature and animals. I would love to have my 12 year old son attend one of these camps some day soon.
This sleep away camp seems very promising for kiddos. When our little gets to that point someday soon I will definitely check this out. Will share this to friends too!
I would send my kids to this camp if they were younger. It is such a nice one to be part of, to learn more about nature and how to do our part to preserve it.
This is a fun camp for kids. They not only learn about nature, they also learn to be responsible for themselves and for others. If my kids were still young, I would send them to a camp similar to this. (chicago is too far from where we live.) 🙂
This sounds like such a great experience for kids. My sons are too young for this at the moment, but when they’re older I’d love for them to go to a camp like this.
This sounds like a great camp! My kids experience a camp too and they always talk about how much fun they had!
My kids would have loved farm camp when they were little. Now they are teens and the idea of spending a week in the woods is no longer appealing to them!