We were asked to take an impromptu trip to Lafayette Indiana to drop a family member off, and she encouraged us to stop by the Fair Oaks Farm in Fair Oaks, IN on our way back home and we had a blast! It’s a working dairy, hog and crop farm that is beautiful and functional. We figured we don’t take trips out that way very often, so why not seize the day.
They are a self sustained farm that uses animal waste as a power source and makes the vast majority of things that they sell right on the farm. Ice cream, cheese, milk of course. Everything looked so good and so FRESH. I had a grilled cheese sandwich that was perfectly melted/salty/chewy goodness that one expects from grilled cheese, that I just want to go back for lunch again.
If you’ve heard of the term Agrotourism, then this farm should be on your list of places to visit. There are three separate adventures that you can take, Dairy, Pig, or Crop. We were only able to do the Dairy and Pig Adventures, but looking at the Crop Adventure, I now know where we should have spent most of our time. Learning about roots, bugs and agriculture this summer was right up the alley of Lil Miss Nicholes. I can totally see her joining FFA when she’s older and rocking it out.
I only have photos of our pig adventure because I upgraded my cell phone because of people using third party chargers instead of purchasing the right ones, and having the phones recalled. Ahem. I’m very hurt over that, but that original phone took these photos, and I’m pretty happy with them. Of course they aren’t stylized because these children are 8, 5, and 5. Oh, and they were around pigs. And cows. And on a farm.
I find that if I let the kids lead the charge with what we view and visit, I do well in keeping their interests. Next year, we’ll have them take more of a lead when it comes to the chickens. Fair Oaks just happens to be adding chickens to its list of animals too!
Of course, this visit prompted great discussion on the ride home, and we spoke about animal moms and how the way they care for their children looks different than the way that I care for mine.
I can’t wait to get back to the farm, and visit the Crop Adventure, and of course, load up on grilled cheese and ice cream. Maybe even this time, Mr. Houseful can come.
Are you interested in agriculture? Do you teach your children about where there food comes from? Check out other posts under the Food & Farm tab above.
I find real life learning is the best way, your kids are adorable!
We’re in Iowa, so of course agriculture is all around us. In fact, on some days we can smell the pigs from miles away!
I would love it when we visited farms for school field trips! It was such fun to see how the farm worked, and to try some of the fresh items from the farm.
I really liked the Pig Super Senses, I didn’t know some of those things. I remember visiting a dairy farm when I was little, it was a really interesting trip.
That pic in the ham and bacon is so adorable!! LOL This is definitely a great learning tip. I think I might have taken off with a piglet, though. So cute!!!