To live in a city as large as Chicago, I’m always surprised when something is going on that I’m not aware of. Not because I think that I should be in the know – a socialite I’m not – but because I’m usually up with the street festivals that start as soon as the weather gets warm and muggy in these parts. Except it was more like wet and muggy, but the Chicago Children’s Theater made it work with their BOING! (Big Outdoor Indoor Neighborhood Gathering) Festival this weekend. I enjoyed myself immensely, and all I got to do was take photos of my kids doing activities. With a cost of $10 per person, and running from 12-4, it was frugal enough with more than enough time to tire the little folks out for an afternoon nap.
The BOING! Festival was a full day of fun and wildly unique experiences, both outside in Chicago Children’s Theater’s spacious on-site parking lot, and inside on both floors of the former Chicago police station, now a beautiful, mixed-use performing arts, education and community engagement facility that welcomes all Chicago families.

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