Mor Mor Baby turned 55 years of age last week. We celebrated in only a way that completely encapsulates Mor Mor Baby. We had dinner at Denny’s and went bowling. Yes. Denny’s then bowling. Many of you will remember that we threw my mother a surprise birthday party at McDonald’s four years ago, and I almost had my dad committed because of it. Turns out that she loves these types of days.
My brother Daniel, Shomari and I took my mom on a whirlwind Sunday (yes Easter) for her birthday. We dined at Denny’s, with all but one of her grandchildren in and children in attendance. Then we did the only thing that we could do after eating. We went bowling in our Easter get-ups. Because that’s how we roll.

Let me give you some background about my family and bowling. We use bowling as a release and celebration for EVERYTHING! We go bowling for birthdays. For Father’s Day, Mother’s Day or apparently, anniversaries. We also head to the bowling alley right after a funeral because we don’t feel like being bothered with people and their well intentioned, but poorly executed words. However, THIS bowling alley visit was to celebrate all 55 fabulous years that my mommy has been on this earth.
The older that I get, the more I realize that my mom still isn’t “old.” She did however, embrace being referred to as a senior citizen because of all the discounts that she now gets. I’m tickled. I’m trying to get better with snagging photos with the people that I love, even if they aren’t professional looking, or blog perfect. Because when it’s all said and done, these are the photos that I will look at the most.
I want to take this time to acknowledge my Mor Mor Baby. She’s an awesome mother, grandmother, and friend. I hope that the first year of her senior citizenship proves to just be the tip of the iceberg!
Awe, happy birthday! She certainly looks a lot younger! I love your son in the background. Too cute.
Happy Birthday to your Mom! I’d say do whatever people like to do, sometimes it is the little gestures that count the most.
Happy Birthday!! We used to go to Denny’s to celebrate birthdays too. We wish we could continue that tradition, but there’s no Denny’s near where we live.
Ha, ha, ha… my dad never considered himself old, as well… instead, like your mom, he LOVED all the discounts. HA! Happy birthday to your mom. She sounds wonderful!
Absolutely beautiful! Wishing many more years filled with joy!