It’s that time again! First Box Tops for Education submission deadline of this new school year! Since the new scan submission model is being integrated, we’re still able to send in physical Box Tops for Education until the last year of acceptance passes. All submissions must be postmarked by November 1st, to be counted on this submission period. So, here are a couple of things for coordinators, and those helping coordinators to remember.

Bundle in groups of 50
This can be done via baggies (great re-use of those Ziploc bags that they came in) rubber bands, or envelopes. Just do NOT staple them, or paper clip them since the box tops coupons are incinerated.
There is no need to trim the coupons!
If you are in a time crunch, there is no mandate to trim the coupons. You’ll see mine always trimmed because that’s just what I like to do. If they come already glued onto a submission sheet, I do NOT remove them and trim them better. If you’re not a coordinator, we kind of like it when you glue them to a submission sheet for us though!
Keep Bonus Box Tops and regular Box Tops separate
If you mix them in, they have a possibility of not being credited to your account, and it will be darn near impossible to get them credited after the fact.
If you miss THIS deadline, know that you can still submit
Don’t hold on to Box Tops that you collect after the November 1st, deadline! Sure they will be credited when the next submission check is cut, but that doesn’t mean that you need to hold them until the next submission date. You can submit as often as you want. Every month, every week, every day – just know that with every submission you need to…
There is nothing like having a perfect package of Box Tops for Education, and not being able to get credit for them. The Box Tops team has stated that they have received numerous packages with no information with it. Don’t work this hard, and not give yourself the proper credit. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to make a second copy of your submission form, and maybe take a photo of the contents. Just in case!
With all of that being stated, remember to have fun with it. Get a party going, eat some snacks that will give you extra Box Tops for Education credits, and know that in all that you do, the kids, parents, and administration appreciate it – even if they don’t tell you!
Oh my goodness, look who I found when searching for the next submission date.
So happy to see you Nicole.
I was the first Box Tops For Education Coordinator for my children’s Elementary School.
I volunteered to continue this year, even though my kids are in middle school this year.