I’m not sure why, but people think that because we homeschool, we don’t get just as excited about the back to school season as brick and mortar students. Listen, I was that employee that got excited when I was told to order my office supplies. I get pure unadulterated joy from walking through school supply aisles and general office supply stores. Ask Mr. Houseful. It’s not even lost on me that half of my children have the same joy that I do with new school items.

Since we spend so much time in OshKosh B’Gosh in general, it wasn’t a stretch for us to be enamored by their backpacks, especially now that they are on sale right on time for those of you who start right after Labor Day. If you’re already in school, nothing hurts having an extra backpack or lunchbag for days when your children forget to remove something wet or edible from their pouches. Ask me how I know.

I love the size and durability of these bags. They fit their Chromebooks in them, along with water bottles that we seem to have an abundance of, chapter books, and the ever present notebook and pen for writing down observations. Folks, there are so many observations to be made. SO. MANY.

As stated above, OshKosh has a killer sale going on, and you can get these bags for less than $12, and add shipping. If you’re on Ebates, you can earn 7.5% back (tripling your ebate percentage) but that’s only for a few days, so hurry! While you’re looking at backpacks and lunchbags, make sure to check out their quality jeans (we just picked up nine pair for less than $100 the other day – can I get a WHAT! WHAT! for straight to store shipping for free?!) which are also on sale!

Are you a fan of OshKosh? What makes you happy to spend your dollars there? I have a list, but I’ll save those for another post. Now, happy shopping!
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