Yesterday, I had a pretty crappy day. Lately, they have all been starting out pretty crappy because of one reason. I feel fat. I do a pretty good job of hiding my weight from most of my friends, but I’m just going to put it out there. I’m 5’2″ and I weigh 183 pounds.
Yes, I just put that. I am almost 10 percent of a ton.
The weight of a small calf.
All of that.
Yet, I’m still grateful for my health.
Mostly because I had to make a decision about whether I wanted to stay this size or get to a better, healthier size for myself, and I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
There are some people out here CRAVING for the ability to be able to make health decisions, and here I am getting fatter, and unhappier, but I totally have control of the situation.
So, this morning, Mr. Houseful and I got up and ran. I really started Couch to 5K this morning and while I wanted to weep for all of the athletes that were probably guffawing at my poor form and random breathing, I kept going. My knee didn’t hurt (imagine that!) and my legs didn’t really give me any problems. Wait, I even managed to feel a sense of pride at finishing the entire thing.
During our cool down period at the end of the session, we walked around the track holding hands and prayed.
Prayed for all of our children…and their health.
Prayed for our parents…and their health.
Prayed for our siblings…and their health.
Prayed for our nieces and nephews…and their health.
We prayed for the nation (because the Lord KNOWS we need it no matter who becomes President tomorrow)
We prayed for Hurricane Sandy victims.
We prayed for those poor mothers who lost children last week and this weekend.
We gave thanks to God for just being good enough to allow us to see another day on this earth. No matter how tough it gets. No matter how hard it gets. We’re blessed to be above the ground and HEALTHY another day.
Even if I do look like half of my face has been erased from the sweat and tears that were shed this morning. It was a great day.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post… I’ve been feeling the same way myself– like I want, no need to get out and do better with myself: eat better, exercise more and make a general effort to treat me better.
Getting up and doing the Couch to 5K is a great way to start! You’re fortunate to have Mr. Houseful to support you and better yet, to pray with you as you begin this journey to a newer you.
Wishing you all the best and pushing myself to get motivated like you and do what I NEED to do!