It’s super obvious that we’re beyond the 1001 and days posted in the original list from this, but I’m still having fun crossing things off. I posted this list in 2011, and while I did not complete all 101 things just yet, it’s great to see the BIG items crossed off. I’m of course going to share an offline list that I wrote down as well, and the biggest thing that I crossed off was purchasing and USING my passport, and traveling internationally. I’m so excited to SEE these things at a time when I can’t SEE these things. Does that make sense?
I think we fall into the rut of thinking that other folks are experiencing life at a better or faster rate than we are. Or maybe that was my issue for a bit of time. Then, it clicked. I still have time. It may happen later, but it’s going to happen. Just as long as every day that I’m blessed to wake up I use it for something awesome. So I’m continuing to learn. I’m continuing to travel. I’m laughing, and not being embarrassed about it. I’m embracing life, and my quirks, and just DOING! There is never a time where it’s too late to do anything for yourself, and guys, seriously, get to getting.
Tasks must be specific, with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. So, no ambiguity in any of the wording. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching – meaning that they actually take a little bit of work on the part of you making them.
Why 1001 Days:
Many people have created lists in the past — frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Goal setting tips
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
So with that, I’m going to give you my list that I actually started June 23, 2011 – yes this post has sat in limbo for a little over four months. Sharing it now is definitely going to keep me accountable. Let’s go.
- Read my bible daily
- Study the Sunday School Lesson every Saturday Night with the Mr.
- Really open my ears and spirit to HEAR what God wants to do with my life
- Pray MORE
- Pray before making major decisions – each and every time
- Read a total of 75 books for FUN. ( will help me keep on track
- Re-enroll in school to finish my undergrad degree. *Hangs head in shame*
- Take a sewing class
- Take a quilting class
- Start and complete P90x (*bitesnails*)
- Get ACTIVE exercise OUTSIDE for at least 90 minutes each week – no excuses
- Tone my belly
- Eat healthier meals
- Visit a spa at least ONCE a year and get a massage and facial
- Get pedicures monthly during the summer and every other month during fall and winter
- Keep polish on toenails done monthly
- Spend at least thirty minutes with each child, each day
- Become and integral part of the cellists musical life
- Take the cellist on a cruise (*yikes*)
- Teach the ladybug how to ride a bike
- Enroll the ladybug in tumbling classes
- Read every single night to the ladybug no matter how tired I am
- Read at least one hour a day with the cellist – even if we’re listening to the audio version and discussing afterwards
- Cook one meal each week with the cellist and ladybug’s help
- Go on one full outing with each of the children alone, once a quarter – the gradually once a month
- Open savings accounts for the last three children
- Watch football games where the Bears AREN’T playing, with the Mr
- Get back to planning date nights every month
- Make a big deal for Father’s Day every year
- Pray with him every evening
- Speak into his spirit each day
Take a cruise with himVisit another country with him any other countryTake our first plane ride together
Las VegasCalifornia- Washington State
- Oregon
- Yosemite National Park
- Massachusetts
- Maine
- Connecticut
- Mt. Rushmore
Sew myself a skirtSew myself a dress- Sew myself some pants
Learn how to knit or crochet – or both- Learn how to draft my own pattern
Sew the ladybug and Lil Miss Twizzler holiday skirts- Sew the cellist and Sir Twizzler holiday ties
- Finish scrapbooks for each child
- Set up a real craft room, complete with sewing table, scrapbooking table, and general craft table and storage
- After doing 1-3, sew myself a wardrobe for each season (*yikes*)
- Finish painting all of the rooms
- Get completely matching living room furniture
- Get completely matching dining room furniture
- Add smart storage solutions
- Do the closet office idea that I
stolesaw on Pinterest - Finish the children’s bedrooms
- Finish the bathroom
- Finish our bedroom
- Finish the homeschool area
- Finish the den
- Give away all of the unused dishes and appliances to GoodWill
- Continue to scale down all of the clothes we can no longer fit or want and give to GoodWill.
- Meal plan for the month – and factor celebrations and such into the planning. Stay realistic.
- Finally complete Dave Ramsey’s financial university (it was free darn it!)
Start our porch vegetable garden
Tithe regularlyTake active steps to increase credit score- Save six months salary
Pay down ALL credit- Get to zero balances and stay there EACH month on store credit cards
Pay off car, and purchase new one with lower interest rate AND monthly paymentStart saving for building a home from the ground up.
- Drop more snail mail IN the actual mail
- Send out birthday cards to immediate family and close friends each year (write them up at the end of the preceding month to make it easier)
Go out to lunch or dinner once a month with my girlfriends- Take a girls only trip somewhere
- Drive out of town once a quarter to visit a friend (planned with them of course)
- Learn how to roller skate (the right way)
- Learn how to swim (the right way) including treading water – WITH the husband
- take a Zumba class
- Go the an opera on opening night – and dress to the nines
- stay at a downtown hotel (after pricing down of course)
- Take a horse drawn carriage ride
- TOUR my city. Every nook and cranny, every neighborhood, and document on this blog.
- Do something seasonal every season – don’t just PLAN to do it. For instance – Boo at the Zoo for Halloween, Christmas Lights during the Holidays, Easter something, Veterans Day, Spring festivals, Street Festivals during the summer.
Go and see a musicalGo and see a playSee the Blue Man GroupTake the ladybug to a playTake the cellist to a play- Go to a parade for Thanksgiving or Christmas
- Create holiday traditions
Purchase my Canon or Nikon DSLR- Purchase my iPad
Open my Etsy shop- Have a full stocking of cloth diapers, wipes, bibs and blankets
- Continue party planning – of sorts
Continue baking and decorating
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