Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the past. How hard I thought it was being a mother to infants. How difficult school was to me at the time, and how incredibly impossible it would be to learn to sew, knit or crochet. Okay, the crocheting thing still gets me, but I digress.
To ME, raising infants seems loads easier than this teenage realm I’m going through, and school was without a mortgage, but still had deadlines that I’m still very proficient with procrastinating on, and well, that sewing and knitting thing, I seem to have gotten the hang of.
Today, I want to focus on how far I’ve come, and throw it back to my very first sewing project that I featured on the blog.
I want you to take special note on just how much I loved the fact that I was sewing, that I didn’t take time to set the shot up. Don’t want to see my breasticles at the top of this photo? WHO CARES?! I’m going to show them to you anyway!
I’m pretty sure these skirts are long gone, and if I do still have them, I’m probably going to use the fabric to make something else. That orange print was a hot commodity back in the day, and I’m kind of sad that I don’t know where it is any longer.
Around this time, I also started sewing cloth diapers too. The first couple were HILARIOUS because I knew nothing about seam allowance at the time, and the crotch of the diapers were way too narrow for practical use. However, I was so proud of my first project that I had the twizzlers wear those as if they were wearing gold. I got better though.
Sir Twizzler looks SO LITTLE here, and now I’m wondering if I’m really done having children.
No, I think that we’re finished. Possibly.
I also present another fine moment in my photography journey. It also let’s you know that raising children and keeping house may be possible, but it wasn’t for me. I’m not ashamed.
So, THIS week, I want you to showcase one of your very first sewing projects that you posted on social media. Yes, even if you were already professionally sewing then. It’s still fun. Link up and let everyone know where to find you! Until then, happy sewing!

I am not sewing, because if I was, there would be slow singing and flower bringing, but I am commenting just to tell you that I love the way you wrote this post. And to tell you that I was here, because no one likes a ghost. xoxoxoxo